Credit cards have become ubiquitous in today’s society, offering convenience, rewards, and purchasing power. However, their misuse can lead to financial turmoil and debt traps. This article explores the dual nature of credit cards, examining their benefits and pitfalls. The
How are my mutual funds taxed?

The mutual funds are taxed after calculating the capital gains/profits. It is to be noted that mutual funds are taxed only when they are sold. No taxation is applied for notional gains/losses. Taxation of mutual funds is based on the tenure for which they are held by the investor. They are termed short-term or long-term capital gains based on the tenure held.
Does Asset allocation really matter?

Asset allocation is an important aspect of investing because it can help diversify a portfolio, manage risk, and potentially improve returns. It’s important for investors to regularly review their asset allocation and make adjustments as needed to ensure it aligns with their risk tolerance and investment goals.